Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Advent 1  Year of St Luke (C)  Signage of the New Age

“There will be signs….”  And the signs are, “in the sun, moon and stars and on earth distress….”  Symptoms of distress, Luke the physician might conclude include, boils, fever, rash, seeping blood, belly pain, vomit, glazed eyes and confusion of speech.  Clues like the investigators find looking at the trail of human fluids, gun splatter, broken glass and overturned rooms.   It is not difficult to know that something is wrong, even in the best of times.  Help is needed, ears perk up to hear the sirens and flashing lights of rescue.  But look also at the trees that in some parts of the earth are barren and in more southern climates are budding and putting forth green.  God’s life is near not only as God always is, creating, in charge, willing and molding his way in power but also in the bulging belly of a young woman’s body swelling magnificently with God’s mercy.  Signs: caution, stop, yield, go on guard with lifted, enlightened hearts filled with the divine, “words which will not pass away.”   Pray now before the sign, four small pillars of light as posts about the straw bed upon which the fire of God’s incarnate forgiveness will descend.   

People speak of “heart healthy diets.”  The divine love that increases and abounds in the Sacraments strengthens our hearts in holiness with Christ’s blamelessness in his coming.  “Therefore with angels, archangels and all the company of the hosts and saints…,”  we thank God for the joy of these days together in the church.  

Pausing before either an empty creche or the boxed manger figures among the opened packages of wrapped ornaments and tangled, colored lights:  Signs sometimes stand in the depth of what they indicate.  “Deep water” may warn at drowning depth.  “High Voltage” can hang on the pole draped with such power.  The hay, a sign, will move and shift at the turning of time-bound eternity swaddled in humble obedience, commanding evil to stand still and fall in defeat.  

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