Monday, February 23, 2015

Lent 2 
Mark 8. 31-38 

making the sign of the cross
Harvey S. Mozolak

it used to be the custom 
to make the sign of reverence 
or doff one's cap or hat 
when passing 
steepled stone 
a new cross 
plain outside this mellow 
sand colored suburban church 
growing as it conquers the rust 
of unbelief in this old steel town 
almost like a flag pole 
to recall a fallen soldier 
set in concrete 
the base wears a brass plaque 
I cannot read 
at the distance and speed 
with which I pass 
but a guess, 
it reads: 
in memory of my son 
you erect again 
this fallen tree 
signed, the Father 
is the Spirit of the thing 
but more likely it marks 
like a dog a barked trunk 
the rebuke of God 
for some lesser child 
but greater loss 
the grieving parents' heart set 
on human things 
rejected and denied 
applied to raising wood 
and rock where God 
has more in mind 
and angels ready 

if artisans or armies are needed 

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