Friday, March 20, 2015

thick stick 
Harvey S. Mozolak

a thick stick
planted among bedding materials
a sparrow alights
to gather loose broken bark
and carry a splinter away
for it is spring

we are told he had no place
to lay his head
that even animals have holes and dens
nests and gathered pine
his straw stripped and scattered
in an urgent flight to Egypt

he did sleep in the house of Lazarus
and his sisters Mary and Martha
Lazarus who had slept in the grave
and awaked by the alarm of his name
called and heard while stone silent
deaf by death 
pillowed already in reeking rot

homeless he did recline at the meal
where his body and blood
given and shed were passed
that dark night of betrayal 
when his address was kissed 
like a mezuzah by Judas
Jesus the doorpost

and he had slept aboard 
the disciples’ ship in the tempest
as now he lay down 
on the two tree limbs
branchless boards 
keeled for killing 
mast-less and grounded
fitted with Roman ropes
awaiting the storm of our sin
filling his drowning lifted lungs
crying out for us 
to his Father
to prepare us room 
for harbored rest and to rejoice in rising
with God our home

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