Saturday, March 28, 2015

great week
Harvey S. Mozolak

the week is about to begin
the weather report indicates it will start
below freezing
deadly to early blossoms
so there will be no standing 
in the courtyard with palms 
for the mostly elderly crowd
although they would not complain
but there is no good in catching a chill
and dying before Friday
several neighbors are mowing
since the city is not far enough south
to have palms on the block
the scent of wet wounded grass
will have to do this eve 
which is the day already begun
collected in bags for the dump
children running in the last long shadows
with bats balls and bikes 
unaware that the king
is coming to town
that death 
from which they are carefully shielded
except for what is televised
and played as game from time to time
must be seen and embraced
braced like the fence against
the old dead tree on the corner
that marks the edge of the community
and secures it for the week end

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