Sunday, April 10, 2011

new tricks

Harvey S. Mozolak

old amid a nature growing young
does the dog
notice that the insufferable cold
is gone underfoot?
its white barrier dismissed
by the west now simply wet
and that there are more birds
taking offense
at her patrols of the yard’s perimeter
though by now they ought to be assured
she climbs no tree or bush
too old to even rise and stand
her front paws a few feet up considering
the rabbits have been convinced
several litters ago
(good name also for their lawn leavings)
that she has slowed down
and that the haunched look may well be
part of a decision not to chase
as well as preparation for a launch to action
at the end of her lead
in dawn’s farewell to darkness
she sits
having hunted and crept upon
a small herd of deer
six who stand and watch her
as intently as she does them
having heard her metal-tagged collar
twice six foot away
they are learning a lesson in intention
they would do well to forget
if they would spring
old amid a nature growing young

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