Wednesday, November 27, 2013

For those who are leaning ahead as everyone does into the December doings, a Christmas Proclamation inspired by the words of W.W.   For those who do not know, the Proclamation is sung on Christmas and traditionally recounts the salvic events by dates from the Old Testament to the birth of our Lord.  This one is a bit more contemporary than simply its words... it begins with the birth and jumps to Hodie (Today). 

Contemporary Christmas Proclamation
Harvey S. Mozolak

In the 2013th year,
less several as can be miscalculated under eternity,
in the roughly 1980th year after the certain death
and glorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ
he still comes to those who worship and adore
at manger, cross and the altar of his resurrection
where the proclamation is not fearfully announced
through archangelic presence
but by the sinful ordained
who tell of mercy laid low
and magnificence hidden
though without angelic choirs
the Gloria is only sung by weak human voices
embraced by organ, trumpet, string and drum
and where often more modest than ought to be
gifts are bought in procession
as plates and cups for the faithful
receiving incarnate Body and Blood
and departing used to offer food and filling
peace for those in need
in the name of the frail Infant and mighty Savior
in this year, day, hour, now.

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